Taylor Wessing(“泰乐信”)是为全球客户提供专业服务的多家律师事务所(每一家称为“泰乐信律所”)以及其他相关实体使用的商号。
每一家泰乐信律所都是一个独立的法律实体或合伙企业,单独组建并接受监管,根据其经营所在司法管辖区的法律提供法律和其他专业服务。每一家泰乐信律所都是瑞士联盟Taylor Wessing Verein(“联盟”)的成员(或成员的关联方)。
泰乐信在迪拜设有分所,在北京和上海设有代表处,在加利福尼亚和纽约设有业务办公室,在韩国与DR & AJU(韩国)设有合作办公室。
Further details on the TW Firms and on other firms who work in association with Taylor Wessing are provided below. Select the relevant jurisdiction to view further details.
e|n|w|c Natlacen Walderdorff Cancola Rechtsanwälte GmbH (trading as Taylor Wessing), with DVR Number 0468096 and VAT registration number ATU 57 575 305, are Attorneys at Law under Austrian law and are subject to the supervision of the Vienna Bar Association, and the relevant professional regulations (RAO, RL-BA) accessible under www.rechtsanwaelte.at.
Schwarzenbergplatz 7
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 1 716 55 0
Fax: +43 1 716 55 99
Managing partner: Raimund Cancola
Taylor Wessing N.V. is a Dutch Limited Liability Company with registered number 17282726 and VAT registration number BE0696.740.607. It is a law firm with its seat in Eindhoven and establishments in Amsterdam and Brussels (Belgium). Brussels is regulated by the applicable law and professional standards of the Flemish Bar Association (‘Orde van Vlaamse Balies’) and the French Brussels Bar (‘Ordre francophone du Barreau de Brussels”). Further details can be found on the homepage of the Flemisch Bar Association and the homepage of the French Brussels Bar.
Registered office:
Waterloolaan 16 Boulevard de Waterloo
1000 Brussels
Tel +32 2 320 2255
Managing Partner: Marc van Gelder
Please email us with any questions, concerns or comments.
泰乐信律师事务所驻上海代表处、泰乐信律师事务所驻北京代表处泰乐信律师事务所驻是Taylor Wessing Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB(地址:Benrather Str. 15, 40213 Düsseldorf)的代表处。
TaylorWessing e|n|w|c advokáti v.o.s. is an unlimited partnership, registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, File A, Entry 28136, ID-No. 25689037, incorporated under Czech law and subject to Czech Act 85/1996 Coll. on Legal Profession (as amended) and to relevant bar rules (especially Code of Conduct) accessible on www.cak.cz, as well as to the supervision of the Czech Bar Association in Prague.
Registered office:
U Prašné brány 1078/1
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Tel +420 224 81 92 16
Fax +420 224 81 92 17
Attorneys-at-law (“advokát”) who are not partners to the unlimited partnership are cooperating with the partnership based on a contract on permanent cooperation in line with sections 15e et seq. of the Act on Legal Profession.
SELAS Valsamidis, Amsallem, Jonath, Flaicher et Associés (trading as Taylor Wessing France) is a French Société d’Exercice Libéral par Actions Simplifiées (SELAS) with a share capital of EUR 385,712. The firm is a member of the Paris Bar (“Toque” nr. J 010) and Registered with the Trade and Companies Registry of Paris under number D 451 097 299 R.C.S. Paris, with VAT registration number: FR 95 451 097 299, APE (Activity) Code: 741A, and NAF Code: 6910Z. The Taylor Wessing France website is edited by SELAS Valsamidis, Amsallem, Jonath, Flaicher Associés.
Registered office:
69 avenue Franklin D.Roosevelt
75008 Paris
Tel +33 1 7274 0333
Fax +33 1 7274 0334
Managing partner: Gilles Amsallem
Please email us with any questions, concerns or comments.
Taylor Wessing Partnerschaftsgesellschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern mbB
Registered office:
Taylor Wessing Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Benrather Straße 15
40213 Düsseldorf
Tel +49 2118 3870
Fax +49 2118 3871 00
Registered at Amtsgericht (local court) Essen PR 1530
Information pursuant to § 5 Telemedia Act (TMG).
VAT identification number: DE 121196622
Further details of the above can be found on the Homepage of the Federal Lawyers’ Chamber, under the page “Berufsrecht”.
All lawyers who are also designated as notaries are permitted to practice as notaries in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the local Notaries’ Chamber responsible for their respective office:
Further details of the above can be found on the Federal Notaries’ Chamber website, under the page “Berufsrecht”.
All lawyers who are also designated as tax advisors are permitted to practise as tax advisors in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the local Tax Advisors’ Chamber responsible for their respective office:
Professional regulations for tax advisors:
Further details of the above can be found on the Federal Tax Advisors’ Chamber website, under the pages “Ihr Steuerberater”/“Berufsrecht”.
Taylor Wessing is a firm of Hong Kong solicitors regulated by the Law Society of Hong Kong and practising Hong Kong law.
Lawyers based in Hong Kong who are qualified in other jurisdictions will be regulated by the relevant regulatory body in their place of admission.
21/F, No.8 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3700 4000
Fax: +852 3700 4099
Managing Partner: Mark Chan
TaylorWessing Braner, Ódor és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, with VAT registration number HU18110386, is a member of the Budapest Bar Association and acts in accordance with the laws and regulations relating to lawyers which may be found on the website www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu along with information on client rights.
Registered office:
Dorottya u. 1
1051 Budapest
Tel +36 1 32 70 407
Fax +36 1 32 70 410
Taylor Wessing N.V. is a Dutch Limited Liability Company with registered number 17282726 and VAT registration number NL8222.75.727.B01. It is a law firm with its seat in Eindhoven, regulated by the applicable law and professional standards of the Dutch Bar Association (regarding its attorneys) and the applicable law and professional standards of the Royal Dutch Association of Civil-law Notaries (regarding its civil-law notaries). Further details can be found on the homepage of the Dutch Bar Association and the homepage of the Royal Dutch Association of Civil-law Notaries.
Algemene voorwaarden en bepalingen Taylor Wessing N.V.
General terms and conditions Taylor Wessing N.V.
Parnassusweg 807
1082 LZ Amsterdam
Kennedyplein 201
5611 ZT Eindhoven
Tel +31 88 0243 020
Fax +31 88 0243 003
Managing partner: Marc van Gelder
Attorneys register of legal areas
TaylorWessing e|n|w|c E. Stobiecka, Kancelaria prawna sp. k. limited partnership is entered on the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Department, under KRS number 0000224400, Tax Office (NIP) number: 5262825939 and Statistical (Regon) number: 015901289.
It operates subject to Polish law and the Polish bar rules (Act on legal advisors dated 6 July 1982, Advocates’ Profession Act dated 28 May 1982, Act on legal services provided by the foreign lawyers on the territory of Poland – available on www.kirp.pl, www.nra.pl and www.lex.com.pl ) and supervised by the National Chamber of Legal Advisors and Supreme Bar Council.
Registered office:
Mokotowska 1
PL-00-640 Warsaw
Tel: +48 22 584 9740
Fax: +48 22 584 9750
Taylor Wessing Ireland LLP is an Irish law firm authorised by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority in Ireland to operate as a limited liability partnership under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015. All lawyers at Taylor Wessing Ireland are regulated by the Law Society of Ireland. The regulatory provisions of the Law Society of Ireland can be found at www.lawsociety.ie.
Principal place of business:
58 Fitzwilliam Square North
Dublin 2
D02 HP73
Republic of Ireland
Tel +353 1 224 1092
Managing partner: Adam Griffiths
A list of all partners and their professional qualifications may be inspected at Taylor Wessing Ireland's principal place of business. Any reference to a partner in relation to Taylor Wessing Ireland is to a partner of Taylor Wessing Ireland or an employee or consultant of Taylor Wessing Ireland with equivalent standing as a partner of Taylor Wessing Ireland.
Taylor Wessing e/n/w/c advokáti s.r.o., CIN: 35 905 832, registered with the Commercial Register kept by the District Court Bratislava I, section: Sro, entry no: 33669/B, is a law firm founded under Slovak law and subject to the applicable statutory and bar regulations (the Advocates Act, Slovak Bar Association Code of Conduct), available at www.sak.sk. Statutory supervision is carried out by the Slovak Bar Association located in Bratislava. VAT registration number: SK2021896283.
Panenská 6
SK-81103 Bratislava
Tel: +421 (0) 2 5263 2804
Daeryook & AJU International Law Group LLC ("DR & AJU") is registered in the Republic of Korea under the Attorney-at-Law Act in the form of the law firm with the limited liability with Identification Number 110146-0077339 and Business Registration Number 214-86-03459. DR & AJU is solely a Korean law practice. Taylor Wessing does not itself advise on or practice the laws of the Republic of Korea.
7/11/12/13/15 Fl., Donghoon Tower
317, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu
Seoul 135-513
Republic of Korea
Tel +82 2 3016 5200
Fax +82 2 3016 5301
A list of all partners and their professional qualifications may be inspected at their main office or at their website.
Legal services in Dubai are provided by Taylor Wessing LLP (Dubai branch), registered with the Dubai Economic Department under licence number 129562 and authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority in England and Wales.
Registered office:
26th Floor
Rolex Tower
Sheikh Zayed Road
PO Box 33675, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel +971 4309 1000
Fax +971 4358 7732
Managing partner: Ronald Graham
A reference to a Partner in Dubai is not to a member of Taylor Wessing LLP, but to a senior employee of the Dubai Branch intended to have equivalent standing in relation to the conduct of business in Dubai.
Please email us with any questions, concerns or comments.
Taylor Wessing e/n/w/c Law Firm TOV is a civil company registered with the Uniform State Registry of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine as a limited liability, with registration number 38090902.
Registered address:
vul. Illinska 8, Entrance 11, 6th floor
04070 Kyiv
Tel +380 44 3693 244
Taylor Wessing LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC322935 and VAT registration number GB 100 1950 75. It is a law firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (including for any incidental services relating to investments, insurance and mortgages). The rules of the Solicitors Regulation Authority can be accessed via their website. SRA number 463016.
Registered office:
5 New Street Square
London EC4A 3TW
Tel +44 20 7300 7000
Fax +44 20 7300 7100
Managing partner: Shane Gleghorn
A list of all partners and their professional qualifications may be inspected at Taylor Wessing LLP's registered office. Any reference to a partner in relation to Taylor Wessing LLP is to a member of Taylor Wessing LLP or an employee or consultant of Taylor Wessing LLP (or an affiliate) with equivalent standing as a member of Taylor Wessing LLP.
For a copy of the Section 172(1) statement that applies to Taylor Wessing Services Limited please click here. This statement is also included in the Annual Report and Financial Statements of Taylor Wessing Services Limited.
Taylor Wessing (US) Inc. is a Delaware registered corporation with registered number 5501641 with offices in California and New York. It does not practice US law but provides US and Canadian clients with local access to pan-European, Middle Eastern and Asian legal advice.
Registered office:
530 Lytton Avenue
2nd Floor
Palo Alto
CA 94301
Tel: +1 65 0617 3336
Any reference to a partner in relation to Taylor Wessing (US) Inc is to a director or an employee of Taylor Wessing (Us) Inc.